You Matter Suicide Prevention Training
- Description
- Curriculum
“You Matter Suicide Prevention Training” developed by Assertive Multimedia offers time flexible training featuring current and up to date data and statiistics related to suicide and suicide prevention.
This course will familiarize each learner with ways to identify suicidal ideation and recommend several methods of suicide prevention to use on friends family members, veterans or co-workers who may be contemplating suicide or showing suicidal tendacies.
1WelcomePreview Text lesson
Introduction to the You Matter Suicide Prevention Training course. The course is designed to train the learner on how to identify suicidal ideation and how to possibly prevent suicide if certain symptoms are spotted in time.
2Course ObjectivesPreview Text lesson
What you will learn by taking this course.
3The History of SuicidePreview Text lesson
Let's take a look at the history of Suicide. It goes back over 3000 years
4Early Religious Views On SuicidePreview Text lesson
Let's explore what the church thought of suicide.
5Clinical Views on SuicidePreview Text lesson
Exploring the Clinical point of view on suicide
6Myths and MisconceptionsPreview Text lesson
This lesson helps dispell the myths and misconceptions associated with suicide.
7Quiz on The History of Suicide5 questionsLet's see what you've learned so far.
8Epidemiology & SuicidologyPreview Text lesson
This lesson will introduce you to the ways suicide is studied.
9Suicide and Mental IllnessPreview Text lesson
Explorer how mental illness contributes to suicide
10Suicide and AntidepressantsPreview Text lesson
Let's look at how antidepressants contribute to suicide
11Listen CloselyAssignment
12Suicide and Neurological DisordersPreview Text lesson
Explore how neurological disorders can have an affect on suicide
13Suicide and GeneticsPreview Text lesson
Explore how genetics can affect suicide
14Collecting Suicidal StatisticsPreview Text lesson
Collecting Data on Suicide
15Quiz on The Study of Suicide6 questionsCheck on Learning
16Identifying Suicidal IdeationText lesson
Explore some of the reason why people commit suicide
17What Causes Suicidal IdeationText lesson
Explore the contributing factors to suicidal thinking
18Assisted SuicideText lesson
Become familiar with medical assistan suicide
19Dr. Jack Kevorkian4:22
America's most famous case of Assisted Suicide
20Suicide by PoliceText lesson
Explore how a person uses police and law enforcement to commit suicide
21Police Assisted Suicide2:12
A KRQE 13 News report showing body cam footage of an officer-assisted suicide incident
22Suicide as a Military TacticText lesson
Learn about how suicide was used as a Military tactic
23MethodsText lesson
This lesson talks about the methods and ways to commit suicide.
24Quiz on Suicide Ideation3 questionsTime for a Quiz
25Who's at RiskText lesson
Let's take a look at who is at risk for commiting suicide.
26Individual Risk FactorsText lesson
Explore some of the individual risks factors
27Relationship Risk FactorsText lesson
What are some of the relationship factors that can lead to suicide.
28Societal and Community Risk FactorsText lesson
Factors in Society and within the Community that contribute to suicide
29Warning SignsText lesson
Look for the warning signs to help prevent suicide
30Occupational Related SuicideText lesson
Learn how various occupations relate to suicide
31Quiz on Suicide Risk Factors4 questionsTime for a Quiz
32The News About SuicideText lesson
33Why SuicideText lesson
Understand some of the reasons people commit suicide
34What To Look ForText lesson
35Verbal and Non-Verbal SignsVText lesson
36I Had A FriendVideo lesson
Video of US Army Veteran Anthony Brown talking about his personal experience with two friends who commited suicide.
37Talking About ItText lesson
Learn how to talk to a friend coworker of family member about suicide prevention.
38Check Their FeelingsText lesson
Learn how to check on someone who you suspect of having suicidal ideation.
39Behavioral ChangesText lesson
Explore how changes in behavior can be a warning sign of suicide
40Drugs Alcohol and SuicideText lesson
Learn how drugs and alcohol contribute to suicide
41Quiz on Identifying the Signs of Suicide3 questions
42Getting HelpText lesson
Learn when and how To Get Help
43Creative a Positive EnvironmentText lesson
44Suicide Risk AssessmentText lesson
45How To RespondText lesson
46Reducing Stigma associated with Seeking helpText lesson
47Suicide Therapy ProgramsText lesson
48Suicide Prevention Quiz4 questionsLet's check on what youve learned